Creating an enabling environment for individuals with diabetes, one that supports their interactions with the healthcare system and society, is imperative for their well-being throughout their lives.

There are two main components of the efforts carried out to address the multifaceted challenges faced by those living with the condition: awareness and advocacy.

By raising awareness and advocating for their needs, Meethi Zindagi is paving the way for a more inclusive and supportive environment that empowers individuals with diabetes to lead fulfilling lives.

Awareness Programs:

Raising awareness about diabetes helps individuals understand the causes and recognize symptoms of diabetes, which is the first step toward early detection.
Meethi Zindagi aims to create a diabetes-aware society where no child loses their life because of misdiagnosis or lack of insulin ever again, where no individual has to face complications from late diagnosis or lack of proper diabetes education and where every individual with type 1 diabetes feels heard, understood & empowered.
To achieve above mentioned objectives, Meethi Zindagi carries out following activities:

  • Awareness Sessions
  • Awareness Stalls 
  • Podcasts
  • World Diabetes Day
  • Meetha Ramadan

Supportive Society:

Establishing a supportive social environment involves empathy, inclusive language, stigma reduction, workplace/school support, and access to healthcare/resources, benefiting individuals with diabetes.

Supportive Policies:

Collaborating with international organizations, advocating for policies to ensure affordable medication supply, and facilitating effective workplace and school accommodations for individuals with diabetes.

  • Insulin4All
  • International Participations

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