A symbol of Consistent Determination & Passion!

Diagnosed at the age of 14, in 2019, Ismail was unable to get the insulin he needed to survive. His condition worsened overtime and he dropped out of school but the dream of education never faded. In 2022, Ismail got registered with Meethi Zindagi. This marked the beginning of a new journey for Ismail. He enrolled back in in school and eventually finished college.

Connected with Meethi Zindagi since 2022 for medical and emotional support, he expressed his desire to pursue graduation. Being the first boy from his village to dream so, he had no one to guide him through the process so he turned to Meethi Zindagi for assistance.
Now, staying in a hostel for his bachelors, away from home and family, he’s not only successfully managing diabetes, but also working as an active advocate for other children with type 1 diabetes.

“I am where I am today because of Meethi Zindagi’s support and I want to give back by offering my support to more & more children like me, so that no type 1 ever feels like diabetes is failing them.” Ismail said.

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A symbol of Consistent Determination & Passion!

Meethi Zindagi
Life Saving Treatment for the children of Pakistan.

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